Mar 5, 2021 | University news
With great happiness, Iraqis, together with all peace lovers in the world, are awaiting the 5th of March 2021, the date of the visit of his holiness Pope Francis to the Republic of Iraq. On this occasion, University of Al-Hamdaniya expresses its great happiness for...
Jan 24, 2021 | University news
On January 24, Iraq and the world celebrate the International Day of Education. Our celebration this year is different due to the critical health and economic conditions imposed by the Corona virus pandemic. Dear university professors and affiliates, dear...
May 15, 2020 | University news
Coping with the lockdown due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, the department of English/ College of Education at the University of Alhamdaniya held an online workshop entitled “Developing Speaking and Listening Skills in English.” The workshop was held...