Vision and Goals:
Achieving academic interaction for teachers by sending them to participate in conferences, research missions, joint supervision, and visiting professorship.
Functional Tasks :
- Concluding memorandums of understanding concluded between the university, colleges, technical institutes, and Arab and foreign universities, and completing all requirements for concluding these memorandums according to the instructions in force.
- Following up on the periodic activities of the international federations and organizations that the university deals with and their work plan, participating in them, and exchanging scientific and technical expertise and skills.
- Follow up on the implementation of directives by involving university employees in training courses in various specializations.
- Receiving the books received from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research or other ministries, then informing the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs about them and directing their implementation regarding participation in conferences, seminars, or training courses…etc. and distributing them to colleges and research centers.
- Implementing the directives of Mr. President of the University or Mr. Scientific Assistant to nominate members to participate in workshops, attend meetings, scientific exhibitions, forums, attend meetings… etc., according to the instructions regarding each case, and issue university orders for delegation.
- Following up on requests from teaching staff who hold the title of professor, assistant professor, or teacher who wish to conduct their scientific research outside Iraq (sabbatical requests) in cooperation with reputable universities, scientific institutions, and professors specialized in them.
- Receiving ministerial orders to send teachers outside Iraq to reputable scientific universities to train there and learn about them, their colleges, institutes, and teaching systems. Receiving invitations to professors and their requests to work as visiting professors at Arab and foreign universities for one semester or more.
- Sending invitations to professors specialized in various scientific fields from Arab or foreign universities to visit the university or one of its colleges or centers for the purpose of giving scientific lectures, scientific visits, or giving lectures for a semester.